American Indian Parent Advisory Committee

AIPAC Meets Bi-Monthly


We will have the Open Public Hearing for the Title VI formula grant on Monday Feb. 27th in-person at AWCL and via zoom at 4pm. For all those who wish to attend we will cover the topic of what we plan to do with the funding. This meeting is for stakeholders, parents, community members, and staff who wish to know about and contribute to the way we will structure and allocate funding under this grant. 

(1)     Public Hearing: Begin planning for your public hearing. All applicants are required to conduct at least one open public hearing prior to submitting an application under Part II. The hearing should provide all stakeholders to the education of Indian students, especially parents of Indian students and the community an opportunity to understand and offer recommendations on the proposed Formula Grant project. The applicant may describe the proposed project objectives and activities, initial allocation, progress of the students to date, and if objectives have been met in the current project. The applicant should maintain copies of the public notice(s), agenda, minutes of the meeting,and a list of attendees for their records.

Madeline Treuer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Monday Feb. 27th, 4pm Central Time. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 1016 2465

Passcode: 582881

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Meeting ID: 814 1016 2465

Passcode: 582881

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Miigwech Aapaji.